HKDF mod r

hkdf_mod_r() is used to hash 32 random bytes into the subgroup of the BLS12-381 private keys.


IKM, a secret octet string >= 256 bits in length key_info, an optional octet string (default="", the empty string)


SK, the corresponding secret key, an integer 0 <= SK < r.


HKDF-Extract is as defined in RFC5869, instantiated with hash H. HKDF-Expand is as defined in RFC5869, instantiated with hash H. L is the integer given by ceil((3 * ceil(log2(r))) / 16).(L=48) "BLS-SIG-KEYGEN-SALT-" is an ASCII string comprising 20 octets. OS2IP is as defined in RFC3447 (Big endian encoding) I2OSP is as defined in RFC3447 (Big endian decoding) r is the order of the BLS 12-381 curve defined in the v4 draft IETF BLS signature scheme standard r=52435875175126190479447740508185965837690552500527637822603658699938581184513


  1. salt = "BLS-SIG-KEYGEN-SALT-"

  2. SK = 0

  3. while SK == 0:

  4. salt = H(salt)

  5. PRK = HKDF-Extract(salt, IKM || I2OSP(0, 1))

  6. OKM = HKDF-Expand(PRK, key_info || I2OSP(L, 2), L)

  7. SK = OS2IP(OKM) mod r

  8. return SK

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